Salt & Pepper
This is Matt's first team, Salt and Pepper. They are Percheron geldings. They are 17 year olds. He purchased them in 2010 and they are in semi-retirement, being used occasionally. He has won the world championship farm team two times and has competed with them all over the nation. Salt and Pepper have been a very versatile team, capable of plowing a field or pulling a stagecoach.

Duke & Doc
Duke and Doc are a pair of 7 yr old Percheron cross geldings. They spent the summer of 2018 pulling the stagecoach in Virginia City, MT. In January of 2019, they competed in the National Western Stock Show in Denver, CO placing 1st in 4 out of 5 classes. They were purchased by the US Army shortly after. They are currently working at the National Memorial in San Antonio, Texas.

Johnny & June
Johnny and June are a pair of 8 year old Percheron's. They were acquired early in 2019. Johnny and June are a promising team with a lot of potential. Matt has competed with Johnny and June at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. They have also received numerous awards in events across the nation.